Thursday, July 21, 2011

becoming billy blanks. or jane fonda.

I've been exercising like hell for the last three weeks since I was, uh, formally diagnosed with diabetes. I was told, and have read quite a lot about it on the net since, that physical activity is good for diabetics. Exercise = control of blood sugar levels. A doctor friend said a 30-minute walk a day would suffice. Easy peasy. But I want the affliction gone, I mean controlled, sooner than eventually so I decided to go on overdrive.

My makeshift exercise regimen consists of stretching, jogging, push-ups and walking. In the morning, I start by walking to the market right outside our village, buy young coconut (said to be good for the kidneys) and walk back home. Afterwards, I jog around the house, do push-ups, stretch and to finish the regimen - my favorite part - do deep breathing. All in all, it takes me somewhere around an hour to finish with everything. The same routine, minus the walking, is repeated in the afternoon and right before bedtime. Oh and when in the mood, I throw in some wicked dance moves in the mix to the tune of 90s club music - think CC Music Factory, Blackbox, etc. 

I plan to get some weights too as I read somewhere that resistance training is as good as cardiovascular exercises in controlling the blood sugar level. And there's no harm in looking good while sweating it out besides.

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